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USG Facilities

With no long-term side effects

With no long-term side effects and little discomfort to the patient, Ultrasonography uses ultrasound to create real-time images of internal organs and other tissues. We offer the following USG facilities:

  • USG Brain-neonatal neurosonography
  • USG Orbit and Eye (B Scan)
  • USG Neck
  • USG- Sonomammography
  • USG Abdomen and Pelvis
  • Color Doppler (Arterial/ Venous)Helpful in ascertaining the amount of blood flow through your blood vessels. We offer the following Color Doppler tests:
    1. Upper & Lower Limbs
    2. Carotid
    3. Scrotum
    4. Renal
    5. Portal Vein
    6. Local Part
  • USG guided pleural/ascitic tapping
  • USG guided abscess drainage
  • Elastography